If you're looking for training related to the topic of stress management, you'll be happy to discover that there are a number of convenient online options, both free and fee-based. If you need a course for your own informational and skill-development purposes, you may find that one of the no-cost options meet your needs. If, however, you're looking for continuing education units or an employee development program for your workplace, a fee-based option may be a better choice.
Five Web-Based Stress Management Workshops
Workshop From Georgia Southern (Free)
If you want a free stress-management workshop that you can complete quickly and easily, the no-cost online workshop provided by Georgia Southern University might be a good option for you. The workshop is designed in a simple click-through format that you can read at your own pace. It is just over 30 pages long and generally can be completed in 40 minutes or less. The content covers what stress is, explains what can happen if stress is not recognized and managed properly, and give tips for effective stress management. Registration is not required; simply visit the website and start working through the materials.
Hillsborough County Extension Service Workshop (Free)
Florida's Hillsborough County Extension Service offers a no-cost stress management workshop available in an online audio format. The workshop consists of seven audio lessons and a companion handout that you'll need to print before listening to the lessons. The lessons cover various aspects of stress management, with the first three lessons focused on defining stress and describing its causes and the remaining four lessons providing strategies for managing stress effectively. It is not necessary to register to complete the workshop.
Stress Management Modules from MindTools (Free)
If you're looking for no-cost online stress management workshops specific to work-related stress, the online modules provided by MindTools may meet your needs. There are twelve modules, each one focused on a different aspect of stress. Topics range from understanding the stress and its causes to information on dealing with stress-inducing people and situations to strategies for coping with and managing stress effectively. There is no charge to work through any of the modules online, and registration is not required. If you would like to download PDF versions that you can save and/or print, there is a $19.95 fee.
Online Courses from Headington Institute (Free)
If you work in a care-giving role and are looking for an online workshop designed to help you cope with the unique stresses of your professional or volunteer role, the online workshops provided by Headington Institute may be a good choice for you. The Institute provides a variety of no-cost interactive online workshop courses, as well as links to a variety of free self-study materials including downloadable PDF documents, handouts and more. Registration is not required. There is no cost to participate, though donations are accepted.
The workshops and materials provided here focus on dealing with the impact of stress on humanitarian workers rather than day-to-day general life stress, making this a great resource for those who provide disaster assistance work, as well as others who are seeking help deal with potentially traumatic circumstances as caregivers for those who are directly impacted. Titles include Understanding and Coping with Traumatic Stress and Understanding and Addressing Vicarious Trauma.
Universal Class (Fee-Based)
If you're looking for a more in-depth online workshop with an instructor and graded assignments, the ten-module stress management course offered through Universal Class may be a great option for you. Registration is required; simply visit the UniversalClass.com website to sign up. Students must complete lesson assignments and exams to successfully complete the workshop. Students have up to six months after enrollment to complete the program. The course fee is $35 without continuing education unit (CEU) credit and $60 with CEU credit, making it an affordable choice for individuals as well as companies seeking employee training.
Improve Coping Skills Via Online Workshops
Completing one or more of these online workshops can be a great way to improve your coping skills and master stress management strategies. Whether you need help learning to recognize the signs of stress or you are looking for concrete ideas for ways to improve stress management in your personal life, at work, or in school, taking the time to study this important topic is a great way to get the information you need to bring about positive change in your life.