Calling an anger hotline can help you prevent or escape a potentially dangerous situation, and speaking with an anger counselor can help you develop the coping skills needed to control your anger and prevent its devastating effects. People on the other end of the line are trained professionals or caring volunteers with experience resolving conflict and keeping calm under crisis conditions. They are available to provide support and information both before anger gets out of control and during an anger-related crisis.
For Help by Phone
- For immediate assistance, call 911. Calls to 911 are free from most public pay phones.
- The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers safe, anonymous, and confidential assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The hotline provides crisis intervention, information, safety planning, and referrals to community agencies. 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
- Safehorizon offers support, anger management counseling, and resources to victims of anger and domestic violence and to those who need assistance controlling their anger. 1-800-621-HOPE (4673)
Other Options for Help
Many organizations are available to help with anger management, and you can receive assistance online, over the phone, or by visiting a community organization that offers anger management services.
Online Help:
- Prevent Child Abuse America offers information to parents who need help controlling their anger.
- The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women offers intervention and support to victims of anger and domestic violence.
- The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence offers abundant information on anger resolution, creating a family safety plan, and identity protection for victims of anger and abuse.
- A website listing of state hotline numbers for anger management services and domestic violence resources.
Community Assistance:
- State-by-state list of shelters for victims of anger and domestic violence.
- Call your local hospitals and ask about support groups for help with anger management and control. Many larger hospitals and some universities offer anonymous support groups.
- The National Anger Management Association offers an online directory that enables you to search for an anger management specialist in your area.
For Anyone Experiencing a Loss of Control
If you believe you are at risk of not being able to control your anger, or need help regaining control once an anger-related outburst occurs, calling an anger hotline can provide you with support and information.
Before an anger-related situation develops:
- Anger management hotlines offer a different perspective on whatever situation is making you angry. This can provide you with the opportunity to find a healthy solution to your problem.
- Counselors can offer tips on coping with anger and stress to make it less likely that you will lose control in the future.
Before an anger-related situation escalates or turns violent:
- Calling a hotline allows you to talk over your problems and vent your anger, which is often enough to diffuse a potentially dangerous situation.
- Speaking with a professional can help you control your anger and prevent it from escalating to a dangerous level. Anger management counselors receive training in relaxation techniques and crisis intervention.
During an anger-related crisis:
- Counselors can offer you a safe outlet for your anger, talk you down from a potentially dangerous emotional cliff, or contact family members to assist you.
- Anger management counselors are able to contact the authorities on your behalf if you feel you are a danger to yourself or others, and they will remain on the line with you until help arrives.
For Victims of Anger
Victims of anger or domestic violence can also benefit from calling anger management hotlines.
Before an anger-related situation develops:
- Anger hotlines offer a safe and anonymous outlet for discussing your concerns and fears, and they can provide you with an unbiased perspective of the situation, allowing you to evaluate your safety.
- Trained counselors have access to valuable resources to help you escape a potentially dangerous relationship.
Before an anger-related situation escalates or turns violent:
- Speaking with a trained professional can help calm you and enable you to see the situation clearly. This may allow you to diffuse the situation on your own, and can help you focus on removing yourself and your children from danger.
- You can receive information about the best course of action to take should a crisis develop, and a counselor can go over your safety plan with you to help ensure your safe escape.
During an anger-related crisis:
- Anger management counselors can arrange transportation or other services on your behalf to assist you and/or your children. For example, if you wish to leave the situation, counselors can call a taxi to pick you up, and they can find a temporary shelter to house you until you figure out an alternative.
- Counselors can contact the police or other emergency services for you during a time of crisis, can assist the authorities in locating you, and can remain on the line with you until help arrives. This is useful when it may be unsafe for you to make the call yourself. Some online organizations can send help to your home or another location following an email from you asking for assistance.