About Nail Disorders

Although nail disorders are often painful and unsightly, they are usually relatively harmless. Many, such as bruises or hematomas, are caused by an injury, even a long forgotten injury. Others, such as white spots and ridges, often have no known cause.
So, if nail disorders are usually harmless, when should you become alarmed? You should contact a doctor at any sign of infection since you might need an antibiotic. These signs include:
- Pus
- Swelling
- Redness
Did you know psoriasis can afflict the nails?

Nails damaged due to biting.

Scalded fingers and nails

This is a fungal toenail infection called onychomycosis.

A bruised nail or hematoma

Onychia on a big toe

Ingrown nail

Onychomycosis, a fungal infection of the toenail
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Vertical nail ridges are usually harmless.

Nail hematoma