Yeast infections are a problem that affect a high percentage of the population and for women of childbearing age, the options treating for yeast infection while trying to conceive are no different than for any woman.
Treatment Options
The best advice for couples trying to conceive while a yeast infection is present is to hold off until the infection is fully treated. Although becoming pregnant while a yeast infection is present is both possible and non-hazardous to mom and baby, going through the act of sexual intercourse while the vagina is inflamed and sore could be too bothersome for some women.
The best thing to do is get treatment underway as quickly as possible. Most treatments are now available as over-the-counter purchases and access to them is easy in the pharmacy or in the local supermarket. Treatment is offered in a variety of ways and, if used properly as instructed, can be effective within a matter of days:
- Vaginal creams - these can be applied with a clean hand direct to the point where the problem is. Application over the course of a few days will ensure relief of the itching and soreness as well as deal with the underlying infection.
- Vaginal pessaries - these get right to the heart of the problem and, similar to the use of a tampon, are inserted using an applicator device. The pessary dissolves high inside the vaginal canal, working toward treating the root of the infection. Application is easy and relatively pain free.
- Pills - yeast infection can be treated with pills, too. These will, however, not offer the pain relieving element that creams do, so many people opt to purchase a combined pack of a pill and a cream in order to tackle things from both ends.
Maximizing the Potential
When trying to conceive, it is all about maximizing the potential to get pregnant. Research has not indicated any harm caused by conception when a yeast infection is present, however, it is a fact that treatments can alter the pH of the vagina, which may impact the transportation of the sperm when it enters the vaginal canal.
Worth Waiting
The other important thing to remember it that yeast infection can be passed on during sexual intercourse. Potentially passing the problem on to or acquiring the infection from your partner will undoubtedly create double-trouble. A yeast infection can be cleared up in an average of seven to ten days, so having to put things on hold for this amount of time really isn't too much of a delay in baby-making proceedings. Treating for yeast infection while trying to conceive should not be seen as a catastrophe, simply a small hurdle to overcome.