First month pregnancy symptoms can be a pain, literally, for some women. Luckily the first month of being pregnant is also a surprising and exciting time, which can help to make up for any problematic symptoms.
First Month Pregnancy Symptoms
If you you engage in unprotected intercourse and have the following symptoms and signs, consider you might be pregnant.
Increased Basal Body Temperature
An increase in the basal temperature of the body is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This starts about seven days after you ovulate. Your temperature first thing in the morning (basal) rises above the initial rise that happens on the day after ovulation.
If you are tracking signs of your fertility and recording your temperature on a basal body temperature (BBT) chart, you will see this rise. You don't need to be concerned unless your temperature is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Implantation Bleeding
Implantation bleeding is another early sign of pregnancy that happens in the first month. It starts at about six to 12 days after ovulation when the blastocyst stage embryo invades the uterine lining.
Brown vaginal discharge or pinkish or reddish spotting are signs of implantation bleeding. If this discharge lasts more than one week or becomes heavier bright red blood, be sure to see your doctor for an evaluation.
Increased Vaginal Discharge
You might notice an increase in your mucus vaginal discharge soon after you ovulate rather than the expected decrease in amount. This could be a sign you are pregnant. Shortly after egg fertilization, the rise in estrogen from the corpus luteum increases mucus secretion from the glands of the cervix.
This early pregnancy mucus is whitish or yellowish. If your discharge is murky or darker yellow, has an odor, and you have vaginal or external itching or burning, see your doctor to check for an infection.
Extreme Fatigue
Extreme fatigue is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy and starts in the first few days before the month is out. One explanation is the hormone changes that start at fertilization of the egg. Other potential causes include:
- The early physiologic changes of pregnancy
- Anemia, which is common in pregnancy
- A decrease in the amount and quality of your sleep.
Pay attention to sticking to a healthy nutrition, get adequate exercise and sleep, and ask for help.
Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) is a common problem of early pregnancy. Some women have only stomach queasiness or mild nausea without vomiting. The symptoms can start as early as implantation of the embryo, six to twelve days after ovulation. They usually occur only in the morning on an empty stomach, but some women have symptoms throughout the day.
It is not clear what causes morning sickness, but it might be due to the changes in hormones during pregnancy. Low blood sugar might contribute to the problem. Eating small snacks, such as crackers or dry toast, can relieve the symptoms. Ginger tea and ginger lollipops or chews are also helpful.
Breast Tenderness and Pain
Breast tenderness and pain are common symptoms in first month of pregnancy symptoms. These symptoms are caused by increased estrogen and progesterone and are similar to, but more severe than, premenstrual breast symptoms. In addition, the areola (the dark area around the nipples) become darker.
Pelvic Cramps
Pelvic cramps can occur in the first month of pregnancy at the time of implantation during days six to twelve after ovulation. Implantation cramps usually last just a few hours to two days. Consult your doctor if these mild menstrual-like cramps become more painful or continue beyond the time you expect your next period.
Factors That Influence Your Awareness
Every woman have their own experience with pregnancy signs and symptoms. Factors that might influence your awareness of pregnancy changes in the first month include:
- The symptoms your mother or a sister experienced in their pregnancies and shared with you
- Your experience during a previous pregnancy
- Twin pregnancies or other multiples - symptoms tend to appear earlier
- How tuned in you are to changes in your body
What to Do
If you have early mild signs and symptoms that suggest you pregnant, you can wait two or three weeks to do a home pregnancy test or go see your doctor for the test. Visit your doctor sooner if your symptoms are severe and suggest you might have a significant problem.