Noni fruit leather is a product that can be eaten or used topically to treat a wide variety of ailments and conditions. The leather is made from a tropical fruit that comes from the noni tree.
About Noni
The noni tree goes by the Latin name Morinda citrifolia, and the fruit is also called cheese fruit, nono, Indian mulberry, and Tahitian noni. Polynesians have been using all parts of the tree, including the fruit, bark, roots, leaves, and seeds, for centuries. Noni fruit and seeds are loaded with nutrition, and they also contain antibiotic and healing properties for both internal and external uses.
Noni fruit can grow up to 6 inches in length, and the outer skin is pale and bumpy, loosely resembling that of a pineapple. The taste of the fruit is very bitter, and often requires the addition of sweeteners and other fruits to appeal to Western tastes. The smell of the fruit is also quite pungent, requiring the use of scented oils when creating lotions for consumer use.
Uses for Noni Fruit Leather
Noni fruit leather is a fascinating product. It is created from dried noni fruit, which can be fermented or combined with other fruit to make a dark and soft fruit leather. Most of the leather sold in North America comes from Hawaii, and the product is sold by the ounce. Since most noni leather is made from 100% organic fruit, it is perfectly safe for vegetarian and vegan diets.
What makes the product so unique, however, are the numerous ways it can be used. You can eat it straight from the package, or soften it and make it into a tea with boiling water. If the taste or odor is off-putting, you can even tear off a small piece and roll it into a pill shape to be swallowed whole. When ingested, it can:
- Relieve tooth or gum pain
- Soothe sore throats
- Battle intestinal parasites
- Ease stomach aches
- Provide relief from aches and pains
- Ease symptoms of chronic illness
Alternatively, the leather can be used topically to treat skin conditions, provide antibiotic treatment, or even as a bandage. External applications include:
- Making a paste from the leather and a bit of water and applying it to the skin
- Dampening the leather slightly and using it as a bandage, which is self-adhesive and easy to remove with warm water
- Softening the leather in water and combining it with vinegar for an antiseptic rinse
- Creating a lotion with leather and water, which will absorb into the skin and provide relief for muscle aches, arthritis, and other common pains
- Using the lotion as a shampoo to get rid of lice and treat scalp conditions
A Portable First Aid Kit
Sellers of noni fruit leather have called the product a portable first aid kit, and it's easy to see why. The leather is easily portable, and can be used for many different ailments and conditions, both internal and external. It doesn't need to be refrigerated, and it's entirely biodegradable.
In addition to the medicinal benefits detailed above, noni is purported to help with a wide variety of other illnesses and conditions, including:
- Depression
- Cancer
- Tuberculosis
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Infections
- Broken bones
- Respiratory illness, including asthma
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
Noni fruit contains a healthy dose of fiber and carbohydrates, and can be an excellent protein source for vegetarians and vegans. It also contains many vital nutrients and vitamins, such as:
- Vitamin C
- Iron
- Potassium
- Vitamin A
- Calcium
- Flavonoids
- Fatty acids
Preparing Noni
While the taste and smell of noni can prove to be too much for many people to enjoy the nutritional benefits of the fruit, there are ways to make it more palatable. Here are a few ways to try it:
- Soften the fruit leather in hot water, and then combine it with traditional smoothie ingredients to mask the taste.
- Add a small amount of the leather to flavored tea, and add a sweetener if needed.
- Make a paste from the noni leather and combine it with peanut butter, hummus, or other flavorful spreads.
Learn More About Noni
To find more information about noni fruit leather and the benefits of the noni fruit, you can visit Phytochemicals.info, or NoniFruitLeather.net.