If you're looking for a natural, herbal way to curb your cravings, a ginger root appetite suppressant may give you even more than you bargained for. Over time, ginger root has been used as a common remedy for upset stomach and is commonly used for cleansing the colon, curtailing cramps at that time of the month, triggering improved circulation and helping regulate metabolism.
Ginger Root Appetite Suppressant Qualities
Along with all the qualities listed above, ginger root works as a stimulant that radiates at a slow pace from the G.I. tract and energizes the body through the bloodstream. In the digestive system, it increases the pH of the stomach's acid along with the activity of digestive enzymes. This in turn reduces acidity and lowers the rate of gastric secretions. Along with the benefits listed in the introduction of this article, other advantages to ingesting ginger root include:
- Mental alertness
- Metabolism aid
- Helps prevent motion sickness
- Helps reduce serum cholesterol levels
- Strong antioxidant
As an appetite suppressant, you'll find ginger root amid the ingredients of popular weight loss products like Hoodia. However, it doesn't just suppress the appetite, but controls it. If you suffer from loss of appetite, ginger root can help regulate your appetite so that you don't neglect proper nutrition for your body's needs. Healthy eating includes eating enough calories for your body to operate at its best.
Ginger Root Lip Treatment
Another option for suppressing your appetite is the use of ginger root in a natural lip treatment which is applied to the lips or just inside the lips. A ginger root appetite suppressant is just one of the ingredients that works to to quench cravings on an olfactory level (smell) and that satisfies the sense of taste. This lip balm is not promoted as a weight loss product however; it is manufactured with the purpose of diminishing the appetite along with cravings. Within the ingredients, ginger root oil is said to control blood sugar levels, settles the stomach and promotes diminished appetite. Other ingredients include:
- Yerba Mate Extract - Another natural appetite suppressant that also regulates appetite and enhances digestion.
- Evening Primrose Oil - Also diminishes cravings for fats in people who are overweight.
- Grapefruit Oil - An appetite suppressant.
- Lime Oil - A digestive stimulant.
- Sweet Orange Oil - Calms the stomach.
- Spearmint Oil - Not only a breath freshener but also relieves digestive troubles.
- Castor Oil - Works as a metabolism booster and suppressant. As a bonus, it helps keep lips smooth and soft even under harsh conditions.
- Jojoba Oil - A diet supplement and appetite suppressant.
- Coconut Oil - Satisfies hunger.
- Vitamin E - Aids in easing stress and is rich in anti-oxidant properties.
Ginger Root and Other Cultures
The use of ginger root to regulate appetite and other medicinal purposes has been going on for thousands of years. Its properties have been added to diets as a spice or a condiment. Here's a glimpse at how has been used:
- Asia - As a tea which aids in the expulsion of gas from the intestines.
- China - A tonic for colds, fever, chills and more; also used to relieve menstrual cramping.
- Ancient Indians - Treatment for digestive troubles and as a cleanser.
- Greeks - To treat indigestion
This just touches the surface of what and how ginger has been used. Today, among its benefits, you'll also be happy to know that ginger holds small amounts of natural:
- Protein
- Calcium
- Phosphorous
- Iron
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
Weight Loss Supplements
Ginger root appetite suppressant qualities are found in a variety of weight loss supplements. If you are looking for a supplement, be sure to do your homework. Search to see if any complaints have been made against a product and if so what resolution the company has offered. Look for testimonies other than what are found on the product's home website. There are a number of free weight loss forums for dieters to find encouragement, advice and information.