Knowing the facts about vitamin B makes it easier to understand the eight essential and distinct vitamins that make up vitamin B, known as vitamin B-complex.
Some Facts About Vitamin B
- Vitamin B is made up of eight chemically distinct vitamins that once were thought to be one vitamin. It is known as vitamin B-complex.
- All of the B vitamins are water soluble.
- B vitamins must be replenished daily as they are not stored in the body.
- Different B vitamins come from different food sources.
- Each B vitamin performs a unique and separate function in the body. It was once thought they shared their functions.
- Each of the vitamins has its own part in healthy brain function, development and mental acuity.
- The B vitamins are necessary for the formation of serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine, three critical chemicals of the brain.
- At times all of the B vitamins work together to keep the body functioning in a healthy manner. Working together they are needed for the following:
- The proper functioning of the body's metabolic system
- Converting carbohydrates to glucose
- Promoting cell growth, reproduction and division
- RNA and DNA synthesis
- Protecting the body from cardiovascular disease
- Strengthening the immune system
- Maintaining and enhancing the function of the nervous system
- Helping the digestive system to work properly
- Maintaining healthy muscle tone and skin
- Reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, especially pancreatic cancer
- Fighting depression, anxiety and stress
- Improving memory
Vitamin B1 Facts
- Vitamin B1 is known as thiamine.
- The cells in the human body cannot use oxygen to store energy if it does not have vitamin B1.
- It is essential for the energy metabolism of carbohydrates, alcohols and fats, the functioning of nerve cells, energy production and support of healthy heart functions.
- It was the first of the B vitamins to be discovered.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B1 include:
- Organ meats such as liver, heart and kidney
- Wheat germ
- Enriched fortified cereal
- Eggs
- Berries
- Nuts
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Brussels sprouts
- Tomatoes
- Eggplant
- Legumes
- Tuna fish
- Sunflower seeds
Vitamin B2 Facts
- Vitamin B2 is known as riboflavin.
- It is needed for converting carbohydrates to energy, red blood cell formation, growth and cell respiration.
- It is essential in order for the body to use vitamin B6.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B2 include:
- Milk
- Meat
- Mushrooms
- Liver
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Enriched fortified cereals, breads and pastas
Vitamin B3 Facts
- Vitamin B3 is known as niacin or nicotinic acid.
- It is essential for metabolism, growth and tissue oxidation.
- Vitamin B3 stimulates the central nervous system and brain functions.
- This vitamin lowers blood sugar in diabetics.
- It helps to improve joint pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B3 include:
- Husks of cereals
- Green vegetables
- Meat
- Chicken
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Liver
- Fish
- Milk
- Yeast
- Dried peas and beans
- Enriched fortified cereal
Vitamin B5 Facts
Vitamin B5 is known as pantothenic acid.
- This vitamin is found as coenzyme A (CoA) in every living cell and is necessary to sustain life.
- It is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
- Vitamin B5 is essential in the production of melatonin.
- It helps to prevent graying of hair and fights wrinkles.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B5 include:
- Liver
- Kidney
- Yeast
- Egg yolk
- Milk
- California avocado
- Molasses
- Wheat bran
- Sweet potatoes
Vitamin B6 Facts
- Vitamin B6 is known as pyridoxine.
- It helps to absorb and metabolize amino acids, fats and carbohydrates, stabilize behavior and mood, produce red blood cells, and help the immune system.
- Vitamin B6 is necessary for balancing hormonal changes in woman and relieving premenstrual and menstrual pain and discomfort.
- It protects the body from cancer and heart disease.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B6 include:
- Wheat germ
- Whole grains
- Bananas
- Avocado
- Liver
- Spinach
- Green beans
- Liver
- Kidney
- Egg yolk
- Meat
- Yeast
Vitamin B7 Facts
Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin or vitamin H.
- It helps with carbon dioxide transfer making it essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
- This vitamin helps to synthesize amino acids and fatty acids.
- It is necessary for proper cell growth and maintaining steady blood sugar levels.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B6 include:
- Royal jelly
- Brewers yeast
- Egg yolk
- Liver
- Milk
Vitamin B9 Facts
- Vitamin B9 is known as folic acid, vitamin M, or vitamin B-c.
- This vitamin is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.
- It improves focus and alertness.
- Foods that are a good source of vitamin B9 include:
- Green leafy vegetables
- Whole grains
- Organ meats
- Nuts
- Legumes
Vitamin B12 Facts
- Vitamin B12 is known as cyanocobalamin or cobalamin.
- This vitamin is necessary for the central nervous system to function properly.
- It helps in the formation of red blood cells.
- Vitamin B12 is necessary for proper development and growth in children.
- It is only found in animal sources including:
- Meat
- Liver
- Kidney
- Eggs
- Milk and dairy products
The B vitamins are all essential nutrients to the body needed to maintain optimum health and proper body functioning. The facts about vitamin B remind us of the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet.
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