A Written Plan to Prevent Binge Eating

Therapist comforting a patient

The National Eating Disorder Association defines binge eating disorder as a mental health disorder, characterized by a combination of rapid and over-eating despite the absence of hunger, depression and guilt, and embarrassment about the amount that one is eating. Following a systematic plan can help you prevent binge eating episodes and get on the road to recovery. If you need help downloading the printable version of the plan, check out these tips.

Undergo Psychotherapy

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Print a written plan to prevent binge eating.

Created by Lindy Gaskill Owned by LoveToKnow, Copyright LoveToKnow A Written Plan to Prevent Binge Eating Thumb

According to the Mayo Clinic, psychotherapy can be helpful for those suffering from binge eating. Depending on the person and their unique case of binge eating disorder, treatment techniques may include developing healthier attitudes toward food and developing stronger coping strategies for difficult situations.

Seek Help

Having a therapist or other trusted professional you can reach out to when you feel the urge to binge is an excellent way to prevent you from going through with the behavior.

Take Prescription Medications

Certain prescription medications may be helpful for those who suffer from binge eating disorder, notes the National Eating Disorder Association. In fact, certain anti-depressants, including select serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are often recommended for those suffering from the condition.

Anti-convulsants may also be prescribed in the treatment of binge eating disorder, reports the National Eating Disorder Association. It is important to note, reports the Mayo Clinic, that these medications can have concerning side effects, including memory loss, difficulty speaking, and sedation.

Don't Skip Prescribed Dosages

If your medications are prescribed to you on an as-needed basis, taking the medication at the first sign of desiring a binge may stop the desire and help you avoid the binge.

Seek Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition counseling can be an effective way to reintroduce healthy eating patterns for those suffering from binge eating disorder, reports the Mayo Clinic. While nutrition counseling can incorporate a number of topics, when used in the treatment of binge eating disorder, it may focus on the importance of restoring a healthy diet.

Individuals will likely be encouraged to incorporate a balanced diet, which includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean meat, notes the United States Department of Agriculture.

Check Your Hunger

If you feel the need to binge, first analyze your actual nutritional needs. What does your body really need?

Make It a Family Matter

For optimal results when it comes to the treatment of binge eating disorder, family involvement is a must. The Mayo Clinic notes the importance of helping families not only understand the basics of binge eating disorder, but also its signs and symptoms.

Family members may be encouraged to participate in group therapy sessions, where they can share their thoughts and concerns with others who have similar experiences.

Talk It Out

A trusted family member can be incredibly helpful when you need to talk to someone about an acute desire to binge. Your family member may be able to help you talk about your feelings or distract you long enough with something else until the desire passes.

Battling Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is a serious health condition that cannot be cured overnight. By incorporating a variety of techniques, however, relief can be achieved. Individuals who believe that they or a family member may suffer from binge eating disorder should be sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible. As with other health conditions, the sooner the disorder is addressed, the easier it can be managed.

A Written Plan to Prevent Binge Eating