Mix of fresh vegetables This image is part of the stock exchange archive and the stock exchange license Source: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1259949a
A 1900 calorie diet gives you the freedom to add several options to your daily menu without feeling deprived. You will be more inclined to stay within this dietary goal once you know what 1900 calories means in terms of the foods you eat.
Benefits of a 1900 Calorie Diet
When your calorie intake approaches 1900 calories, you are most likely at a maintenance level in terms of diet and calories if you are a moderately active, adult female. It is not so much a calorie restricted diet, but a healthy eating lifestyle. There are several benefits to you once you have a handle on what constitutes a 1900 calorie diet.
You have a better grasp of maximum calorie intake. You know what you can eat and more importantly, how much. With moderate activity, you can easily maintain your weight. Also, if you have to later make adjustments to your diet, you have a benchmark from which to work.
Basis of Your Menu
Your menu should follow health guidelines for the recommended amount of macronutrients you should get each day. This means your diet will consist of about 60 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fat, and 10 percent protein, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Bear in mind these are recommendations. You can tweak the amount of protein to with 10 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake, recommends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Menu Options
In order to stick to 1900 calories, you need to consider everything which you consume, including beverages. Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages are easy diet pitfalls. If you plan for it, there is no reason why you cannot enjoy a glass of wine. The important thing is to account for the calories.
Spreading your calories throughout the day will help you feel sated all day long. Your diet will include three approximately 500-calorie meals and three 125-calorie snacks.
Breakfast Menu
Breakfast is your foundation for a healthy start to your day. Begin your day with protein to help stabilize your blood sugar after your night's fast.
- 2 large eggs, scrambled-204 calories
- 1 tbs grated cheddar cheese-36 calories
- 1 slice whole wheat bread, toasted-80 calories
- 1 cup of blueberries-81 calories
- 1 pat of butter-36 calories
Feel free to substitute eggs cooked in any way you would like. You can also lower your fat content by using one egg white in place of one whole egg.
Lunch Menu
Lunch is a good time for adding carbs to your 1900 calorie diet to fuel your activity through your daytime hours.
- 2 slices whole wheat bread-160 calories
- 2 oz. turkey deli meat-117 calories
- 1 oz shredded romaine lettuce-4 calories
- 1 cup homemade coleslaw-83 calories
- 5 cherry tomatoes-18 calories
- 1 medium apple-81 calories
Dinner Menu
Protein for your dinner meal will help keep you feeling full through the evening hours so you don't wake up hungry during the night.
- 4 oz. cooked salmon-158 calories
- ½ cup steamed baby carrots-50 calories
- ½ cup steamed peas-84 calories
- 1 medium baked red potato with skin-154 calories
- 1 pat butter-36 calories
Healthy snacks will help prevent noshing on inappropriate snacks when you feel puckish and in need to something to eat.
Snack #1
- 1 tbs almond butter-101 calories
- 2 whole wheat crispbread-48 calories
Snack #2
- Cucumber sandwich with 1 tbs low fat cream cheese, 10 cucumber slices, and 1 ounce of green onions on 1 slice of whole wheat bread-131 calories
Snack #3
- 1 cup of low fat yogurt with fruit-250 calories
The diet includes a lot of variety, with fruits or vegetables at every meal. Adding these foods will not throw you off your dietary goals while providing you with extra nutrition. Protein choices include meats and fish which provide good nutrition and are low fat when possible. Eating healthy does not have to be a chore. Set your calorie goal and you have the focus you need to make good diet choices.